Blog: Playthrough with T8 of the song “count your losses” by TEMIC

Stefan Huth did a playthrough of the song “count your losses” by the band TEMIC. This example perfectly shows the possibility of playing low heavy prog pieces on Touch Guitars® even with regular bass techniques. He uses his T8 model as a bass supplement on this one. The original bass has been removed with […]

Blog: Cycfi pickups on S8 model with multichannel pickups

It does not matter if you never heard of multichannel pickups. It is pretty rare but an amazing way to process each string separately.  The Nu Multi pickups are made by a company called Cycfi research. Joel is an amazing guy and he realized a breathtaking setup for an S8 instrument. In the following video […]

Touch Guitars® at Guitar Summit 2023

We are so happy to announce that we will be at this year’s Guitar Summit in Mannheim, again.  We will have a booth there for the second time in the boutique guitar area. If you are there join us for a chat and try a touch guitar.This will be the first time we are going […]

Blog: Finbar O’Hanlon. interviewing the Touch Guitars® team

Stefan Huth did an interview with Finbar O’Hanlon from Australia talking about his influences, Touch Guitars, working with Markus Reuter , his bands and a lot more. Markus Reuter has also  just been invited to Taptown. Check him out talking about teaching, music and instruments. Both are killer episodes, don’t miss it.

Blog: Touch Guitars® at Gitarraviva

Finally Stefan Huth has been interviewed by our friend Carlos Asensio. He is hosting the biggest Spanish speaking Youtube channel with more than 4.1 million subscribers.  Watch his interview and don’t be scared most of it is in Englisch language ;-). Gitarraviva Channel:

Blog: new Video “Schlafsong” played by aNDREmu

aNDREmu plays the U8 Deluxe in this great performance of his original “Schlafsong”. See more of the instrument: Info about the artist:

Blog: new Video “Drive” played by Stefan Huth

After a music camp in Kingston, NY Stefan visited David Sutkin at his “Bass Upfront” headquarter. There was a wonderful view from the roof of his office building so that they decided to shoot a small video for the song “Drive” of Stefan’s solo album which is still available for free at:… Music by […]

Touch Guitars® Introduction Videos

Check out the latest videos Markus Reuter and Stefan Huth did. Markus explains the History and first steps in creating these awesome instruments and Stefan did some sound demos. The Channel will also be expanded regularly. Please subscribe if you are interested.